Donation: a unique Finnish resting place for parents to enjoy

2.5.2019 kirjoittajalta Jouni Lounasmaa


In early May, the Foundation received a wonderful donation for the common room for children and their parents, located in connection with the operating ward and intensive care unit.

The donation for the Finnish Igglo for calming down, working, or taking a nap was made by Emilia Bottas and Alexandra Procopé from Westpro4U ry. The developer of Igglo and GoSleep CEO Jussi Piispanen as well as Ilonion Care CEO Ilkka Korhonen also donated for the project.

Licentiate of Medicine, docent Pekka Lahdenne and Anne Knaster received the donation for the hospital and the Foundation

Westpro4U supports the positive growth of children and adolescents in many ways, and also wishes to support families when their situation is stressful due to a severe illness of a child. The GoSleep facilities are popular in many countries, and the amazing Finnish innovation can be found on airports around the world, including Helsinki Airport. Ilonion Care is a retailer and trainer of hospital equipment with decades of experience.

Another Igglo will be placed in the staff facilities of the hospital before summer. The resting facilities are necessary after long and demanding operations, for example.